Friday, July 31, 2009

Eminem - Warning Diss Track

My Thoughts: LMAO! Seriously, why would artists/people try to diss Eminem. Do they know what he's done in the past? Have they EVER listened to his tracks? Have they EVER watched his battle video's before he became a major artist? If they have, then they should know how he tore into most of the artists he battled. Eminem has been in rap battles since his early teens (Keywords: RAP BATTLES). He has had underground albums way before his major hit "The Real Slim Shady". This is what he's been doing throughout his LIFE! So you probably heard it already but this needed to go on my blog. Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon = ROASTED! Hopefully, they don't push him to the next level. If this is Em's warning, I wonder how the track would be if he did a CODE 3.

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