Thursday, November 5, 2009

Managing Projects

One of the toughest things that I'm coming accross right now is managing projects. Maybe I take on too many all the same time but the work is piling up. I guess that's a good thing but only if it's managed correctly. I'm starting to develop somewhat of a process to streamline the whole thing but it's still difficult. The last thing I want to do is say that I'm going to give beats to somebody then have it get lost in the pile. Not saying that some people don't have priority because I believe that everyone is priority but that's how some artists will perceive it.

The good thing I have more experienced individuals that I can get advice from to help with some direction. Again, a lot of projects is good...means that the network is growing. But projects not managed correctly or not attended is bad business. So, for all of you producers/beat makers that is trying to get in the industry, manage your projects when people start asking you for beats for their album/mixtape. Sometimes, it's ok to say "no, I don't have the time right now...but you will soon". Manage and take care of each project that you are on. Make sure that you talk to the artists about the direction they want especially if you are the Executive Producer (like I am on a couple of albums). Each project you are given can either build or break your resume/reputation. Conduct good business.

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